Take two and a half days for yourself at this beautiful beach location on the Isle of Wight and give yourself time to discover the beauty of who you are – and reclaim a precious part of yourself. The Woman Within® Weekend is a powerful transformational experience created by women for women. Since 1987, thousands of women from over 20 countries have attended this two and a half day workshop at locations throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, South Africa and Australia.
Cost: £695
Bursaries. A limited number of bursaries are available each Weekend on a first-come, first-served basis. Please email us if you need support.
The Woman Within® Weekend will take you on a journey. It is a descent into yourself. Through this descent, you are given the opportunity to re-establish connection with the part of yourself that intuitively knows – your ageless wisdom. You will be provided with an opportunity to reclaim a part of yourself that may have been lost, stolen, forgotten or fragmented. The Weekend offers a series of experiential activities, guided meditations, and focused individual and group work. These processes have been carefully designed to effectively assist women in finding their inner power and in using it to support themselves in their daily lives. In a safe and supportive environment, each woman has an opportunity to reclaim her wholeness as a woman.
You are invited to this Weekend not as a mother, daughter, sister, partner or wife, but as yourself. We offer you the chance to let down the masks and defences which you use as protection, to journey into your past, to experience your deepest feelings and to turn them into positive healing energy. Being among women is an integral part of this Weekend and our staff of women will support you as women have supported each other for generations. The Weekend is based in part on the ancient Sumerian Myth of Innana, the Queen of the Heavens.
Healing, Educational, Experiential. The unfolding events of the Weekend are intensive. You will work individually as well as in small and larger groups. The experiences of each woman will be different and individual. If you are ready to face some of your fears and past wounds and reclaim your passion for life and your belief in yourself, the Woman Within® Weekend is for you. This is a healing, educational, and experiential Weekend: it is not therapy or medical treatment.
Facilitators and Staff. Experienced facilitators from the USA and Europe lead the Weekend, together with the support of 25-30 staff members who have all gone through the Weekend themselves. The concept of support is paramount on these Weekends, and we ensure that there is at least one staff member per participant. For some women, the experience of being supported by other women is completely new and may be the biggest thing they take away for themselves from the Weekend.
Continued Growth. Once a woman has completed the Woman Within® Weekend, she may participate in one of the other workshops and also apply to staff Woman Within® Weekend and in time take on a leadership role.